Double Major and Minor Programmes

Minor Programmes

A minor programme is a programme that enables students who are enrolled in a diploma programme and meet the prescribed conditions to gain knowledge by taking a certain number of courses towards a certificate (a document that does not replace a diploma) within the scope of another diploma programme within the same higher education institution. Students can apply to the announced minor programme at the beginning of the 3rd semester of the major undergraduate programme at the earliest and the 6th semester at the latest. The student applying for a minor programme must have successfully completed all credit courses taken in the major programme until the semester of application and must have a weighted grade point average of at least 2.50 in the major programme. The evaluation is made by the relevant department according to the number of quotas depending on the order of preference from senior to junior, taking into account the GPA. If the GPA is equal, the one with the higher LYS base score is given priority. If the LYS base score is also equal, the order of preference is considered. The admission process of the student whose application is deemed appropriate by the relevant department is completed with the decision of the relevant board of the department to which the applied department is affiliated, and the result is announced on the university's website.

The two compulsory courses to be taught in the minor programme of our department are as follows.

INS0207 Mukavemet I (3-1-4)

INS0212 Yapı Statiği I (3-0-3)

Apart from these courses, other courses to be taken will be selected from the departmental course list.

Double Major Programmes

Students who have taken and passed all the courses required to be taken from the undergraduate program they are enrolled in as of the date of application, who have an AGPA of at least 3.00 and who meet the other conditions are given the opportunity to continue the DMP in addition to their undergraduate programs and receive a second undergraduate diploma. Registration for the DMP is limited to quotas to be determined by the relevant administrative boards.

Double Major and Minor programme are listed below:

  • Mechanical Engineering program