Prof. Dr. Abdullah MAĞDEN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 336
Differential Geometry
Theory of Curves
Lifts of Tangent Bundle

300 33 51
Department of Mathematics
(Head of Department)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrem KÜPELİ ERKEN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 334
Contact Geometry
ParaContact Geometry

300 36 14
Department of Mathematics
(Assistant Head of Department)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Bahar ALVEROĞLU

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 324
Numerical Analysis
Matrix Functions
Network Analysis
Structured matrix problems

300 37 65
Department of Mathematics
(Assistant Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Emel AŞICI

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 303
General Algebraic Systems
Lattice theory

808 11 50
Department of Mathematics
( )


Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 330
Ring and Module Theory
Homological Algebra

300 38 12
Department of Mathematics
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşe BORAT

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 332
Applied topology
Algebraic topology
Topological robotics
Symplectic topology

300 34 92
Department of Mathematics
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burhan ALVEROĞLU

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 326
Hydrodynamic stability
Adaptive finite element method
Computational fluid dynamics
Industrial mathematics

300 34 67
Department of Mathematics
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih SAY

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 203
Exponential Asymptotics
Asymptotic Analysis
Stokes Phenomenon
Multiple Resurgences

808 12 02
Department of Mathematics
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan ŞAHİN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 305
Functional Analysis
Operator Theory
Fixed Point Theory and Its Applications
General Topology

808 11 25
Department of Mathematics
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel ÇENESIZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 328
Fractional Differential Equations
Fractional Derivatives
Collocation Methods
Numerical solution methods

300 36 20
Department of Mathematics
( )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mert Sinan ÖZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 326
Molecular Modelling
Graph Invariants
Chemical Graph Theory
Spectral Graph Theory

300 37 56
Department of Mathematics
( )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nihal ÖZDOĞAN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 324
Numerical Analysis
Ordinary Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations
Numerical Approximations for Ratio-Dependent

300 38 48
Department of Mathematics
( )

Res. Asst. Ahsen Sena YURTOĞLU

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 338
Functional Analysis
Banach Lattices

300 36 73
Department of Mathematics
( )

Res. Asst. Furkan SEÇGİN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 338
Projective Geometry
Differential Geometry

300 34 08
Department of Mathematics
( )

Res. Asst. Gökçen DİLAVER TUNÇ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 338
Generalized Splines Theory
Algebraic Graph Theory
Commutative Algebra
Algebraic Geometry

808 10 12
Department of Mathematics
( )

Res. Asst. Mustafa ÖZKAN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 338
Contact Geometry
Paracontact Geometry
Riemann Geometry
Semi-Riemann Geometry

300 36 69
Department of Mathematics
( )

Res. Asst. Nilay EKİZ YAZICI

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 338
Algebraic Topology
Fixed Point Theory

300 35 10
Department of Mathematics
( )

Res. Asst. Serkan AYAN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 338
Fluid Mechanics
Physics Informed Neural Networks
Asymptotik Analysis
Hydrodynamic Instability

808 10 29
Department of Mathematics
( )