


1.     Birgül, A., & Kurt-Karakuş, P. B. (2024). Air monitoring of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in Bursa Türkiye: Levels, temporal trends and risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 912, 169397.

2.     Babaei, P., Madan, E. N., Güllü, G., Gören, İ. E., Gül, H. K., Dağlıoğlu, N., & Karakuş, P. B. K. (2024). Levels, distribution, sources and human exposure pathways of alkylphenol and alkylphenol ethoxylates in indoor dust in Turkiye. Environmental Pollution, 344, 123447.

3.     Gul, H. K., Gullu, G., Babaei, P., Nikravan, A., Kurt-Karakus, P. B., & Salihoglu, G. (2023). Assessment of house dust trace elements and human exposure in Ankara, Turkey. Environmental science and pollution research, 30(3), 7718-7735.

4.     Kurt-Karakus, P. B., Odabasi, M., Birgul, A., Yaman, B., Gunel, E., Dumanoglu, Y., & Jantunen, L. (2024). Contamination of Soil by Obsolete Pesticide Stockpiles: A Case Study of Derince Province, Turkey. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 86(1), 37-47.

5.       Kazim, M., Syed, J. H., Saqib, Z., Kurt-Karakus, P. B., Iqbal, M., Nasir, J., ... & Odabasi, M. (2024). Informal E-Waste Recycling in Nine Cities of Pakistan Reveals Significant Impacts on Local Air and Soil Quality and Associated Health Risks. Environmental Pollution, 124259.

6.       Yilmaz, T., & Uçar, D. (2024). Utilization of excess microorganisms as carbon and electron sources in the sulfate reduction process. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 99(3), 601-608.

7.       Yakamercan, E., Aygün, A., & Simsek, H. (2024). Antibiotic ciprofloxacin removal from aqueous solutions by electrochemically activated persulfate process: Optimization, degradation pathways, and toxicology assessment. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 143, 85-98.

8.       Öztürk, S., Seymenler, H., Akgül, A., & Uca, Y.(2024). Evsel katı atıklardan elektrik üretimi: Bursa örneği. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi26(1), 215-225.

9.       Korkmaz, B., & Hacısalihoğlu, S.(2024). Fotovoltaik ve biyogaz enerji sistemlerinin enerji ve çevresel potansiyellerinin incelenmesi: Süt sığırı çiftliği örneği. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi29(1), 245-262.

10.   Özkaymak, G., Tazhıeva, A., Barca, B., Aktaş, B., Acar, E., Zeybek, M., ... & Çoban, T. (2024). Aktif Çamur Ünitelerinde Artan Organik Yük Karşısında Reaktör Hacmini Arttırmadan Uygulanabilecek Stratejiler. Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi9(1), 39-49.


1.     Yilmaz, T., Yurtsever, A., Sahinkaya, E., & Uçar, D. (2023). Perchlorate reduction in a thiosulfate-based denitrifying membrane bioreactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 200, 109100.

2.     Ayri, I., Genisoglu, M., Sofuoglu, A., Kurt-Karakus, P. B., Birgul, A., & Sofuoglu, S. C. (2023). The effect of military conflict zone in the Middle East on atmospheric persistent organic pollutant contamination in its north. Science of The Total Environment, 878, 162966.

3.     Kazim, M., Syed, J. H., Kurt-Karakus, P. B., Akcetin, M. O., Akram, S., Birgul, A., ... & Wania, F. (2023). Gaseous elemental mercury emissions from informal E-Waste recycling facilities in Pakistan. Waste Management, 170, 261-269.

4.     Toprak, D., Yilmaz, T., Gülpinar, K., Yücel, A., Çakmak, Y., & Uçar, D. (2023). Effects of trace elements (Fe, Cu, Ni, Co and Mg) on biomethane production from paper mill wastewater. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 38(4), 509-520.

5.     Çalış, B., & Uçar, D. (2023). Simultaneous reductıon of nitrate and perchlorate by sulfide-based denitrification process. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 41(1), 209-215.

6.       Yenilmez, A. E., Ertul, S., Yilmaz, T., Ucar, D., Di Capua, F., & Sahinkaya, E. (2023). Co-removal of P-nitrophenol and nitrate in sulfur-based autotrophic and methanol-fed heterotrophic denitrification bioreactors. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11(6), 111325.

7.       Yakamercan, E., Bhatt, P., Aygun, A., Adesope, A. W., & Simsek, H. (2023). Comprehensive understanding of electrochemical treatment systems combined with biological processes for wastewater remediation. Environmental Pollution, 121680.

8.       Yakamercan, E., & Aygün, A. (2023). Health risk assessment of metal (loid) s for land application of domestic sewage sludge in city of Bursa, Türkiye. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(6), 733.

9.       Geçkin, H., Taşdemir, Y., Aygün, A., & Cindoruk, S. S. (2023). A measurement method approach to control industrial oil mist emissions. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 20(12), 13199-13208.

10.   Toprak, D., Yilmaz, T., Gülpinar, K., Yücel, A., Çakmak, Y., & Uçar, D. (2023). Effects of trace elements (Fe, Cu, Ni, Co and Mg) on biomethane production from paper mill wastewater. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 38(4), 509-520.

11.   Yenigun, I., Balcı, V., Yenigun, A., & Uyanik, S. (2023). Yesterday, today, tomorrow; environmental refugees. Defense and Security Studies, 4, 65-74.

12.   Karipoğlu, F., Ozturk, S., & Efe, B. (2023). A GIS-based FAHP and FEDAS analysis framework for suitable site selection of a hybrid offshore wind and solar power plant. Energy for Sustainable Development77, 101349.

13.   Öztürk, S., & Atalay, K. (2023). Bulanık TOPSIS Yöntemiyle Rüzgar Türbin Kanat Atıkları İçin En Uygun Bertaraf Yönteminin Belirlenmesi: Bandırma Örneği. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi5(2), 293-303.

14.   Ozturk, S., & Karipoglu, F. (2023). Investigation of the best possible methods for wind turbine blade waste management by using GIS and FAHP: Turkey case. Environmental Science and Pollution Research30(6), 15020-15033.

15.   Hacısalihoğlu, S., Kaynar, E., & Darat, V. D. (2023). Mustafakemalpaşa Çayı Su Kalitesinin Çevresel Kalite Standartları ve Kullanım Maksatları Açısından Değerlendirmesi. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi10(4), 750-760.

16.   Hacısalihoğlu, S. (2023).Hayvansal atıkların yönetimi, Bursa-Karacabey örneği. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi25(2), 403-415.

17.   Unal Yilmaz, E., Gundogdu, H., Bilgin, O. N., Yokus, S., Turk, O. K., Yazici Guvenc, S., ... & Varank, G. (2023). Effective treatment of textile industry wastewater by combined ultraviolet assisted and Fe2+ catalyzed percarbonate oxidation. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 1-14.

18.   Yokus, S., Bilgin, O. N., Yilmaz, E. U., Gundogdu, H., Guvenc, S. Y., Can-Güven, E., & Varank, G. (2023). Advanced electrocoagulation using aluminum electrodes supported by persulfate for the treatment of a high-strength wastewater. Chemical Engineering Research and Design194, 192-210.

19.   Can, O. T., Gündoğdu, H., Keyikoğlu, R., ELİBOL, P. S., Aygün, A., & İşleyen, M. (2024). Kozmetik sanayi atıksularının boron doped diamond, platin ve metaloksit elektrotlar ile elektrooksidasyon prosesinde arıtılması. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi30(1), 81-86.

20.   Omwene, P. I., Can, O. T., Öz, U. M., & Keyikoğlu, R. (2023). Investigating the removal efficiency of different textile dye classes from wastewater by electrocoagulation using aluminum electrodes. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology20(12), 13009-13020.

21.   Can, O. T., Gengec, E., Kobya, M., Demirbas, E., & Khataee, A. (2023). Electroflotation Process: Principles and Applications. In Emerging Technologies in Wastewater Treatment (pp. 115-132). CRC Press.

22.   Karatas, O., Khataee, A., Kobya, M., & Yoon, Y. (2023). Electrochemical oxidation of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) from simulated soil leachate and landfill leachate concentrate. Journal of Water Process Engineering56, 104292.


1.     Yakamercan, E., & Uçar, D. (2022). Kükürt bazlı ototrofik ve metanol bazlı heterotrofik denitrifikasyon süreçlerinin çevresel etkileri. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(6), 912-919.

2.       Adar, E., Ilhan, F., & Aygun, A. (2022). Different methods applied to remove pollutants from real epoxy paint wastewater: modeling using the response surface method. Separation Science and Technology, 57(3), 492-507.

3.       Sivri, S., Ustun, G. E., & Aygun, A. (2022). Electrooxidation of nonylphenol ethoxylate-10 (NP10E) in a continuous reactor by BDD anodes: optimisation of operating conditions. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 102(2), 456-469.

4.     Demir, Ö., Atasoy, A. D., Çalış, B., Çakmak, Y., Di Capua, F., Sahinkaya, E., & Uçar, D. (2022). Impact of temperature and biomass augmentation on biosulfur-driven autotrophic denitrification in membrane bioreactors treating real nitrate-contaminated groundwater. Science of The Total Environment, 853, 158470.

5.       Gevao, B., Kurt-Karakus, P. B., Birgul, A., Martinez-Guijarro, K., Sukhn, C., Krishnan, D., ... & Orif, M. I. (2022). Ambient air concentrations and risk assessment of selected organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) across five Middle Eastern countries. J. Environ. Expo. Assess., 1, 14.

6.       Öztürk, S. (2022, November). A SWOT Analysis for Offshore Wind Energy Development: Turkey Case. In International Conference on Climate Change and Ocean Renewable Energy (pp. 64-71). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

7.       Öztürk, S., & Karipoğlu, F. (2022). Determining suitable container ports for offshore wind farms based on geographical information system-analytic hierarchy process: a case study of Marmara Sea. Arabian Journal of Geosciences15(1), 24.

8.       Hacısalihoğlu, S. (2022). Hayvansal kaynaklı yayılı kirlilik yükleri hesabı, bursa örneği. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi27(1), 361-374.

9.       Hacısalihoğlu, S. (2022). Su hasadı uygulamalarının kırsal alanların sürdürülebilirliğine katkısı: Bursa-Karacabey Örneği. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi5(2), 767-782.

10.   Can, O. T., Gazigil, L., & Keyikoglu, R. (2022). Treatment of intermediate landfill leachate using different anode materials in electrooxidation process. Environmental progress & sustainable energy41(1), e13722.

11.   Karatas, O., Kobya, M., Khataee, A., & Yoon, Y. (2022). Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) removal from real landfill leachate wastewater and simulated soil leachate by electrochemical oxidation process. Environmental Technology & Innovation28, 102954.

12.   Sayın, F. E., Karatas, O., Özbay, İ., Gengec, E., & Khataee, A. (2022). Treatment of real printing and packaging wastewater by combination of coagulation with Fenton and photo-Fenton processes. Chemosphere306, 135539.

13.   Karatas, O., Khataee, A., & Kalderis, D. (2022). Recent progress on the phytotoxic effects of hydrochars and toxicity reduction approaches. Chemosphere298, 134357.

14.   Vatanpour, V., Karatas, O., Amiri, S., Rajabi, H. R., Koyuncu, I., & Khataee, A. (2022). Different metal-doped ZnS quantum dots photocatalysts for enhancing the permeability and antifouling performances of polysulfone membranes with and without UV irradiation. Chemosphere294, 133705.

15.   Karatas, O., Keyikoglu, R., Gengec, N. A., Vatanpour, V., & Khataee, A. (2022). A review on dendrimers in preparation and modification of membranes: Progress, applications, and challenges. Materials Today Chemistry23, 100683.

16.   Karatas, O., Gengec, N. A., Gengec, E., Khataee, A., & Kobya, M. (2022). High-performance carbon black electrode for oxygen reduction reaction and oxidation of atrazine by electro-Fenton process. Chemosphere287, 132370.


1.     Ucar, D., Di Capua, F., Yücel, A., Nacar, T., & Sahinkaya, E. (2021). Effect of nitrogen loading on denitrification, denitritation and filtration performances of membrane bioreactors fed with biogenic and chemical elemental sulfur. Chemical Engineering Journal, 419, 129514.

2.     Gungormus, E., Sofuoglu, A., Celik, H., Gedik, K., Mulder, M. D., Lammel, G., ... & Kurt-Karakus, P. B. (2021). Selected persistent organic pollutants in ambient air in Turkey: regional sources and controlling factors. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(14), 9434-9443.

3.     Martínez-Colón, M., Alegría, H., Huber, A., Kubra-Gul, H., & Kurt-Karakus, P. (2021). Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of potential toxic elements (PTEs): An Avicennia germinans–Uca rapax trophic transfer story from Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico. Ecological Indicators, 121, 107038.

4.     Yurtsever, A., Basaran, E., Ucar, D., & Sahinkaya, E. (2021). Self-forming dynamic membrane bioreactor for textile industry wastewater treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 751, 141572.

5.     Bekmezci, O. K., Sapci-Ayas, Z., & Ucar, D. (2021). Novel gas measurement based on pressure triggered release cycles for biochemical methane potential tests. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 19(6), 585-596.

6.     Asik, G., Yilmaz, T., Di Capua, F., Ucar, D., Esposito, G., & Sahinkaya, E. (2021). Sequential sulfur-based denitrification/denitritation and nanofiltration processes for drinking water treatment. Journal of Environmental Management, 295, 113083.

7.       Yapıcı, C. Ş. A., Toprak, D., Yıldız, M., Uyanık, S., Karaaslan, Y., & Uçar, D. (2021). A combo technology of autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification processes for groundwater treatment. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 37, 121-127.

8.       Yakamercan, E., Ari, A., & Aygün, A. (2021). Land application of municipal sewage sludge: Human health risk assessment of heavy metals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 319, 128568.

9.     Yakamercan, E., & Aygün, A. (2021). Fate and removal of pentachlorophenol and diethylhexyl phthalate from textile industry wastewater by sequencing batch biofilm reactor: Effects of hydraulic and solid retention times. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(4), 105436.

10.  Yakamercan, E., & Aygün, A. (2021). Ecological risk assessment of domestic sewage sludge: A case study. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 39(4), 422-433.

11.  Aygun, A., Nas, B., & Sevimli, M. F. (2021). Electrocoagulation of Disperse Dyebath Wastewater: Optimization of Process Variables and Sludge Production. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology, 12(1), 82-91.

12.   Korucu, M. K., Elibol, P. S., & Isleyen, M. (2021). An environmental risk assessment for a DDX-contaminated agricultural area in Turkey: soil vs. plant or human vs. animal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(36), 50127-50140.

13.   Yenigün, İ., Oral, M., Karacizmeli, M., & Uyanık, S. (2021). Closure of Göbekli Tepe: Erosion?. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences5(3), 385-392.

14.   Karipoğlu, F., Öztürk, S., & Genç, M. S. (2021). Determining suitable regions for potential offshore wind farms in Bandırma Bay using multi-criteria-decision-making method. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi3(1), 123-132.

15.   Hacısalihoğlu, S. (2021). Okullarda atık yönetimi yaklaşımı: Balıkesir ili örneği. Uluslararası Biyosistem Mühendisliği Dergisi2(1), 70-85.

16.   Can, O. T., Tutun, M. M., & Keyikoglu, R. (2021). Anodic oxidation of bisphenol A by different dimensionally stable electrodes. Water Science and Technology83(8), 1907-1919.

17.   Yazici Karabulut, B., Atasoy, A. D., Can, O. T., & Yesilnacar, M. I. (2021). Electrocoagulation for nitrate removal in groundwater of intensive agricultural region: a case study of Harran plain, Turkey. Environmental Earth Sciences80(5), 190.

18.   Keyikoglu, R., & Can, O. T. (2021). The role of dye molecular weight on the decolorization performance of the electrocoagulation. Environment, Development and Sustainability23, 3917-3928.

19.   Keyikoglu, R., Karatas, O., Rezania, H., Kobya, M., Vatanpour, V., & Khataee, A. (2021). A review on treatment of membrane concentrates generated from landfill leachate treatment processes. Separation and purification technology259, 118182.


1.       Yurtsever, A., Basaran, E., & Ucar, D. (2020). Process optimization and filtration performance of an anaerobic dynamic membrane bioreactor treating textile wastewaters. Journal of environmental management, 273, 111114.

2.     Yakamercan, E., & Aygün, A. (2020). Anaerobic/aerobic cycle effect on di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and pentachlorophenol removal from real textile wastewater in sequencing batch biofilm reactor. Journal of cleaner production, 273, 122975.

3.     Ozkaleli Akcetin, M., Gedik, K., Balci, S., Gul, H. K., Birgul, A., & Kurt Karakus, P. B. (2020). First insight into polybrominated diphenyl ethers in car dust in Turkey: concentrations and human exposure implications. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 39041-39053.

4.     Birgül, A. (2020). Bursa ili’nden toplanan yumurta örneklerinde ağır metal içeriğinin belirlenmesi ve risk değerlendirmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(2), 1003-1014.

5.     Lang-Yona, N., Öztürk, F., Gat, D., Aktürk, M., Dikmen, E., Zarmpas, P., ... & Rudich, Y. (2020). Links between airborne microbiome, meteorology, and chemical composition in northwestern Turkey. Science of the total environment, 725, 138227.

6.       Bozdaş, K., Üstün, G. E., & Aygün, A. (2020). Atiksu Aritma Tesislerinde Mikro Plastikler Ve Giderim Yöntemleri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(3), 1577-1592.

7.       Bozdaş, K., Üstün, G. E., & Aygün, A. (2020). Microplastics in Environment and Effects on Biota. Turkish Journal of Water Science and Management, 4(2), 228-245.

8.     Sharma, S., Aygun, A., & Simsek, H. (2020). Electrochemical treatment of sunflower oil refinery wastewater and optimization of the parameters using response surface methodology. Chemosphere, 249, 126511.

9.     Yurtsever, A., Uçar, D., & Şahinkaya, E. (2020). Tekstil Endüstrisi Atıksularının Sonlu Filtrasyon Sistemi ile Nanofiltrasyon ve Ters Ozmoz Membranları Kullanılarak Filtrasyonu. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 875-891.

10.  Nas, B., Uyanik, S., Aygün, A., Doğan, S., Erul, G., Nas, K. B., ... & Dolu, T. (2020). Wastewater reuse in Turkey: from present status to future potential. Water Supply, 20(1), 73-82.

11.  Batur, M. E., Cihan, A., Korucu, M. K., Bektaş, N., & Keskinler, B. (2020). A mixed integer linear programming model for long-term planning of municipal solid waste management systems: Against restricted mass balances. Waste management, 105, 211-222.

12.   Ucar, D., Yilmaz, T., Di Capua, F., Esposito, G., & Sahinkaya, E. (2020). Comparison of biogenic and chemical sulfur as electron donors for autotrophic denitrification in sulfur-fed membrane bioreactor (SMBR). Bioresource technology, 299, 122574.

13.   Ozturk, S., & Fthenakis, V. (2020). Predicting frequency, time-to-repair and costs of wind turbine failures. Energies13(5), 1149.

14.   Hacısalihoğlu, S., & Karaer, F. (2020). Uluabat Gölü noktasal kirletici kaynaklar ve kirlilik yükleri. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi, 6 (2), 258-267.

15.   Hacısalihoğlu, S., & Karaer, F. (2020). GIS-based assessment for trace metal pollution: case study on lake Uluabat. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences4(2), 142-148.

16.   Ukundimana, Z., Kobya, M., Omwene, P. I., Gengec, E., & Can, O. T. (2020). Anodic oxidation of effluents from stages of MBR-UF municipal landfill leachate treatment plant. Environmental Engineering Science37(10), 702-714.

17.   Keyikoglu, R., Karatas, O., Khataee, A., Kobya, M., Can, O. T., Soltani, R. D. C., & Isleyen, M. (2020). Peroxydisulfate activation by in-situ synthesized Fe3O4 nanoparticles for degradation of atrazine: Performance and mechanism. Separation and Purification Technology247, 116925.

18.   Can, O. T. (2020). Fenol çözeltisinin farklı elektrotlar kullanılarak elektrooksidasyonu. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi9(2), 952-957.