Message from the Department Head

Dear Students,

Our first goal is to graduate Electrical-Electronics Engineers being sensitive to the moral and ethical issues as well as having strong practical and theoretical background. Additionally, we are hoping that our students will be able to compete against their peers in the global race with the help of our precious faculty members.

Our second aim is that our students will have great advantage not only to practice using their theoretical background in Bursa which is also known as one of the top-line industrial cities in Turkey, but also, it would be easy for them to find summer internships and job offers during and after graduation. Furthermore, by completing their undergraduate degrees, they will be eligible to continue their studies or work on wide scope of areas such as Communication, Signal Processing, Medical Electronics, Control, Robotics, Nanotechnologhy etc.

The last but not least, in a city like Bursa, they will be able to enjoy their social and cultural life since the Bursa city is home to the famous landmark Uludağ for winter sports and Lake Uluabat for its jaw-dropping scenery as well as the first capital city of Ottoman Empire with many historic buildings and museums which make the city culturally and historically rich.

We are inviting our dear students to produce better working environment and works with us in which they will find true happiness.

My kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Hakan GÜRKAN