

  1. T. Y. Eken, C. Kaykilarli, B. Kucukelyas, M. B. Tabakcioglu, Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness and Impact Test Performance of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites with Hematite and Goethite. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2024, 309, 2300271. .
  2. D. ERTEKİN, “ARVIN converter a bidirectional DC DC converter for grid-connected G2V V2G energy storage and electrification approaches,” Electrical Engineering, pp. 1–21, Mar. 2024. .
  3. Çakmak, R., Meral, H., Bayrak, G.. A New Intelligent Charging Strategy in a Stationary Hydrogen Energy-based Power Plant for Optimal Demand Side Management of Plug-in EVs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2024;In Press. .


  1. Acik, S.; Kosunalp, S.; Tabakcioglu, M.B.; Iliev, T. Improving the Performance of ALOHA with Internet of Things Using Reinforcement Learning. Electronics 2023, 12, 3550. .
  2. Yılmaz, A., Küçüker, A., Bayrak, G., Automated classification of power quality disturbances in a SOFC&PV-based distributed generator using a hybrid machine learning method with high noise immunity. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy;47(45): 19797-19809,2022. .
  3. Uslu, F., & Bharath, A. A. (2023). TMS-Net: A segmentation network coupled with a run-time quality control method for robust cardiac image segmentation. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 152, 106422. .


  1. Bostan, Salih M., et al. "An unusual spread-F-like event over Arecibo." 2021 XXXIVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS). IEEE, 2021.
  2. Bostan, Salih Mehmed, et al. A Non-Local Spread-F-like Event Over Arecibo as the Possible Result of a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse. No. EGU22-10089. Copernicus Meetings, 2022.
  3. Erbaş, U., Tabakcioglu, M.B., 3B Kapsama Alanı Haritası Oluşturulması, 30. IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Safranbolu, 15-18 Mayıs 2022.
  4. Erbaş, U., Tabakcioglu, M.B.,Kullanılan Çekirdek Sayısının Kapsama Alanı Haritası Çıkarılma Performansına Etkisi, 7. Ulusal Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama Konferansı, İstanbul, 11-13 Mayıs 2022.
  5. Al Imran, M.A., Arik, E., Dalveren, Y., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Kara, A., "On the accuracy of an emitter localization method based on multipath exploitation in realistic scenarios" Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,
  7. Coskun, Y., Tabakcioglu, M.B.,"Electromagnetic Shielding Characteristics of Oriented Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composites"13rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING & NATURAL SCIENCES, ISPEC 2022, Burdur.
  8. Göllü, M., Bilgiç, M.B., Tabakcıoğlu, M.B.,Comparison of Coverage of Different Scenes Simulated in FEKO and Developed Program, 2nd International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies, ISSRIS 2022,Bandırma.
  9. Kaykılarlı, C., Eken, T.Y., Küçükelyas, B., Tabakcıoğlu, M.B.,Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) composites with Hematite , 2nd International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies, ISSRIS 2022,Bandırma.
  10. Özel, F. , Yörükeren, N. , Tekdemir, İ. G. "Güç Sistemlerinde Harmonik Yük Tespiti için Kullanılan V-I Oranı Yönteminin İncelenmesi". INTERNATIONAL MARMARA SCIENCES CONGRESS at RAMADA PLAZA BY WYNDHAM İZMİT/KOCAELİ/TÜRKİYE on May 13, 2022 - May 14, 2022 (2022)
  11. Yaman, Ç. , Kurt, G. , Tekdemir, İ. G. "Konut Tipi Tüketiciler için Talep Tarafı Yönetimi Uygulaması ve Enerji Optimizasyonu", INTERNATIONAL MARMARA SCIENCES CONGRESS at RAMADA PLAZA BY WYNDHAM İZMİT/KOCAELİ/TÜRKİYE on May 13, 2022 - May 14, 2022 (2022)
  12. Şengül Karaarslan, M. , Alboyacı, B. , Çınar, M. A. , Tekdemir, İ. G. "The Effects of Design Parameters on The UNICORE Type Transformer Inrush Current" . Kocaeli Journal of Science and Engineering 5 (2022 ): 31-41
  13. BAYRAK, G., KUCUKER, A., YILMAZ, A. Deep learning-based multi-model ensemble method for classification of PQDs in a hydrogen energy-based microgrid using modified weighted majority algorithm.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (2022).
  14. YILMAZ, A., BAYRAK, G. A new signal processing-based islanding detection method using the pyramidal algorithm with undecimated wavelet transform for distributed generators of hydrogen energy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (2022), 47(45),19821-19836.
  15. YILMAZ, A., KUCUKER, A., BAYRAK, G., ERTEKIN, D., Shafie-Khah, M., Guerrero, J. M. An improved automated PQD classification method for distributed generators with hybrid SVM-based approach using un-decimated wavelet transform. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 136, (2022), 107763.
  16. YILMAZ, A., KUCUKER, A., BAYRAK, G. Automated classification of power quality disturbances in a SOFC&PV-based distributed generator using a hybrid machine learning method with high noise immunity. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (2022), 47(45), 19797-19809.
  17. BAYRAK, G., YILMAZ, A, CAKMAK, R.A New Fuzzy&Wavelet-based Adaptive Thresholding Method for Detecting PQDs in a Hydrogen and Solar-Energy Powered EV Charging Station. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (2022), In Press.
  18. Enes Avci, Musa Aydın, Elektrik Enerji Tüketim Tahmininde Yapay Yenilemeli Sinir Ağı Modellerinin Karşılaştırılması, 16. Mas International European Conference On Mathematics, Engineering, Natural &Medical Sciences, February 22-23, 2022, Mardin, Turkey
  19. Esat Akköse, Musa Aydın, Investigation of Electric Energy Generation From Hydraulic Power in Fluid Pipes and Simulation Based on Matlab/Simulink, 5th International Nowruz Conference on Scientific Research March 17-21, 2022, Antalya, Turkey
  20. Enes Avci, Musa Aydın, Comparision of Artificial Recurrent Neural Network for Load Forcasting, MAS Journal of Applied Sciences7(2): 337–347, 2022.
  21. Gokhan Güven,  Umit Guz, Hakan Gurkan, “A novel biometric identification system based on fingertip electrocardiogram and speech signals”, Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier Vol. 121, March 2022,


  1. Uslu, Fatmatülzehra, and Marta Varela. "SA-Net: A Sequence Aware Network for the Segmentation of the Left Atrium in Cine MRI Datasets." 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). IEEE, 2021.
  2. A. Büker, C. Hanilçi, "Deep convolutional neural networks for double compressed AMR audio detection", IET Signal Processing, vol. 15, 4, pp. 265-280, 2021
  3. M. Alper Balım, Cemal Hanilçi, Nurettin Acır, "Motor Imagery Signal Classification Using Constant-Q Transform for BCI Applications", in Proc. EUSIPCO 2021
  4. Aykut Büker, Cemal Hanilçi, "Angular Margin Softmax Loss and Its Variants for Double Compressed AMR Audio Detection", in Proc. ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSec'21)
  5. Oğuzhan Kurnaz, Cemal Hanilçi, "Multi-Image Crowd Counting Using Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network", in Proc. ICICT 2021, London, UK, 2021.
  6. Mustafa Özden, Fatmatülzehra USLU, "A Portable System for Customer Interest Analysis in Shops", ICIDAAI 2021, Yalova, Türkiye
  7. D. ERTEKİN, G. BAYRAK, and J. M GUERRERO, “Grid code compatibility and real-time performance analysis of an efficient inverter topology for PV-based microgrid applications,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER  ENERGY SYSTEMS, vol. 128, pp. 1–16, Jun. 2021.
  8. B. GÜZELCE and G. BAYRAK, “Endüstriyel uygulamalarda güvenilir bir kalite kontrolü için yapay sinir ağı kullanan  gerçek zamanlı bir desen eşleştirme algoritmasının geliştirilmesi,” Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 537–546, Jan. 2021
  9. A. YILMAZ and G. BAYRAK, "Classification of Power Quality Disturbances in a Grid-Connected PV System using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Feedforward Neural Networks".ICIDAAI 2021, Yalova, Türkiye
  10. G. BAYRAK and A. YILMAZ. Book: Artificial Intelligence (AI): Recent Trends and Applications, Chapter:Detection and Classification of Power Quality Disturbances in Smart Grids Using Artificial Intelligence Methods,Yayın Yeri:Taylor&Francis Group, CRC Press, Editör:S. Kanimozhi Suguna, M. Dhivya, Sara Paiva, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa sayısı:330, ISBN:9781003005629, Bölüm Sayfaları:148 -170
  11. D. ERTEKİN, G. BAYRAK, S. Umashankar. Book: Electrical and Electronic Devices, Circuits, and Materials: Technological Challenges and Solutions Bölüm Adı:A Demand Side Management Controller Configuration for Interleaved DC-DC Converters Applicable for Renewable Energy Sources, Yayın Yeri:WILEY, Editör:Suman Lata Tripathi, Parvej Ahmad Alvi, and Umashankar Subramaniam, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa sayısı:568, ISBN:9781119750369, Bölüm Sayfaları:493 -516."
  12. Arık, E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Kara, A., Calculation Performances of Ray Tracing Algorithms for Coverage Simulations” in International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies
  13. Çoşkun, Y., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Analysisof of Radar Cross-section Areas of Objects” in International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies
  14. Kaya, Y., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Using Image Processing Techniques in Determining Optimum Base Station Location ” in International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies
  15. Bostan, S.M., Mathews, J.D., Urbina, J.V., The Discovery of Novel Ionospheric Phenomena using. Ionospheric High Frequency Software-Defined Radar, 2021 United States National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM)
  16. Bostan, S.M., Urbina, J.V., Mathews, J.D., Breakall, J.K., Dinsmore, R.L., An unusual spread-F-like event over Arecibo, 2021 XXXIV General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science
  17. Gencal, H., Ozturk T., "BW Değerini Artırmak İçin Yeni Bir UTC-PD Tasarımı", 29. IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2021,
  18. Gencal, H., Ozturk T., "A new approach to enhance the bandwidth value of UTC-PD", 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIGHT AND LIGHT-BASED TECHNOLOGIES (ICLLT-2021), 2021.
  19. M. F. İnkaya and H. Gürkan , "A YOLOv3-Based Smart City Application For Children’s Playgrounds", Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 25-40, Jun. 2021, doi:10.38088/jise.813664
  20. Q. Qi, D. ERTEKİN, and J. M. Guerrero, “Sliding mode controller-based switched-capacitor-based high DC gain and low voltage stress DC-DC boost converter for photovoltaic applications,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER  ENERGY SYSTEMS, vol. 125, no. 106496, pp. 1–19, Feb. 2021.
  21. D. ERTEKİN, “Reliability analysis for TO-247 multilayered power module packaging under mechanical oscillation based on finite element method,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 118, no. 3, pp. 1–9, Feb. 2021.
  22. Fault ride-through (FRT) capability and current FRT methods in photovoltaic-based distributed generators, BAYRAK GÖKAY, ERTEKİN DAVUT, Padmanaban Sanjeevikumar, Yayın Yeri:ELSEVIER, Editör:P. Sanjeevikumar C. Sharmeela Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen P. Sivaraman, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa sayısı:386, ISBN:9780128234464, Bölüm Sayfaları:133 -149
  23. Yeşilkaya, E., Aydın, M., "Üç Boyutlu Yazıcı Tasarımı ve İmalatı", Adıyaman Uluslararası Fen ve Uygulamalı Bilimler Kongresi, Gölbaşı-Adıyaman, 13-14 Temmuz 2021
  24. Işıklı, F., Sürmen, A. and Gelen, A., “Modelling and performance analysis of an electric vehicle powered by a PEM fuel cell on NEDC driving cycle”, A. Journal for Science and Engineering,  Volume: 46 Issue: 8 Pages: 7597-7609, 2021.
  25. Bıçak, A., Gelen, A., “Sensorless direct torque control based on seven-level torque hysteresis controller for five-phase IPMSM using a sliding-mode observer”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Volume: 24 Issue: 5 Pages: 1134-1143, 2021.
  26. Gelen, A., Onur, S.B., “A Prototype Electrofilter Design and Fabrication for Electricity Generation and Emission Reduction from Flues”, Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 1, 41 - 49, 2021.
  27. Yeşilkaya, E., Aydın, M., "Üç Boyutlu Yazıcı Tasarımı ve İmalatı", Adıyaman Uluslararası Fen ve Uygulamalı Bilimler Kongresi, Gölbaşı-Adıyaman,13-14 Temmuz 2021.
  28. Aydemir, Gurkan, Avcı, Adem, Kocakulak, Mustafa, and Bekiryazıcı, Tahir. "Ensemble of LSTM Networks for Fault Detection, Classification, and Root Cause Identification in Quality Control Line." PHM Society European Conference. Vol. 6. No. 1. 2021.


  1. Aydemir, Gurkan, and Burak Acar. “Anomaly Monitoring Improves Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Industrial Machinery.” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol. 56, July 2020, pp. 463–69.
  2. Aydemir, Gurkan, and Kamran Paynabar. “Image-Based Prognostics Using Deep Learning Approach.” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 9, Sept. 2020, pp. 5956–64.
  3. Aydemir, Gürkan, Bekiryazıcı, Tahir and Gürkan, Hakan. "Compression of ECG Signals Using Long Short-Term Memory Based Sequence-to-Sequence Autoencoder" 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). IEEE, 2020.
  4. Balim, Mustafa Alper, and Nurettin Acir. "Classification of Motor Imaginary Signals Using Stacked Autoencoders ." 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). IEEE, 2020.
  5. BAYRAK, Gökay, and YILMAZ, Alper. "Signal Processing-Based Automated Fault Detection Methods for Smart Grids." Smart Technologies for Smart Cities. Springer, Cham, 2020. 57-85.
  6. BAYRAK, Gökay, Ghaderi, D. & Subramaniam, U. Leakage current repression and real-time spectrum analysis with chirp Z-transform for a novel high-efficiency PV-based inverter applicable in micro-grids. Electr Eng 102, 2041–2057(2020)."
  7. BAYRAK, Gökay, Ghaderi, Davood, Padmanaban, Sanjeevikumar. ""Fault Ride Through (FRT) capability and current FRT methods in Photovoltaic based micro grids"". Power Quality in Modern Power Systems, Elsevier. 2020.133-147. (ISBN: 9780128234464)"
  8. Bekiryazıcı, Tahir, and Gürkan, Hakan. "ECG Compression Method Based on Convolutional Autoencoder and Discrete Wavelet Transform." 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). IEEE, 2020.
  9. Bıçak, Aykut and Gelen, Ayetül. "Comparisons of Different PWM Methods with Level Shifted Carrier Techniques for Three-Phase Three-Level T-Type Inverter", IEEE 7th International Conference On Electrical And Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2020), April 2020, Antalya, Turkey.
  10. D Ghaderi. An FPGA‐based switching photovoltaic‐connected inverter topology for leakage current suppression in grid‐connected utilizations - International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2020,"
  11. D Hu, A Yin, D Ghaderi. A transformer‐less single‐switch boost converter with high‐voltage gain and mitigated‐voltage stress applicable for photovoltaic utilizations - International Transactions on Electrical Energy systems, 2020,"
  12. D Liang, Q Wu, D Ghaderi, JM Guerrero Analysis of Multilayered Power Module Packaging Behavior Under Random Vibrations - IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/TCPMT.2020.2995735"
  13. Davood Ghaderi, Anahtarlamalı indüktör ve Anahtarlamalı Kapasitör Bloklarının Geliştirilmiş Bir Yükseltici Dönüştürücünün Kazancı Üzerinde Etkileri, Eleco 2020
  14. Davood Ghaderi, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Pandav Kiran Maroti, Behnaz Papari, Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, Design and implementation of an improved sinusoidal controller for a two-phase enhanced impedance source boost inverter, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Volume 83, 2020, 106575, ISSN 0045-7906,
  15. Davood Ghaderi; (2020), Design and Implementation of a Step-Up Power Converter for Renewable Resource Application . Sakarya University Journal of Science, 24(1), 86-97, DOI:10.16984/saufenbilder.503954"
  16. Gelen, Ayetül ve Onur, Selçuk Barış. “Endüstri 4.0 Uyumlu DC Multimetre Tasarımı”, DÜ Mühendislik Dergisi, Vol. 11, Sayı: 3, 2020, Sy: 907-913.
  17. Gelen, Ayetül ve Tüfekcioğlu, Emre. “Lityum-Polimer Piller için Şarj ve Dengeleyici Devre Tasarımı”, EÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Vol. 13, Sayı: 2, 2020, Sy: 839-846.
  18. Gelen, Ayetül, Gelen Gökhan and Bıçak, Aykut. “Supervisory Controller Design for Reactive Power Compensation", Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi , 2020, 146-154.
  19. Ghaderi, D.; Maroti, P.K.; Sanjeevikumar, P.; Holm-Nielsen, J.B.; Hossain, E.; Nayyar, A. A Modified Step-Up Converter with Small Signal Analysis-Based Controller for Renewable Resource Applications. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 102.
  20. Huang R, Hong F, Ghaderi D. Sliding mode controller-based e-bike charging stationfor photovoltaic applications. Int Trans Electr Energ Syst. 2020;30:e12300.
  21. K. Bulut and D. Ghaderi̇ , "Maximum Power Point Tracking by the Small-Signal-Based PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller Approaches for a Two-stage Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Power Boost Converter; Applicable for Photovoltaic Utilizations", El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1167-1190, Sep. 2020, doi:10.31202/ecjse.733167
  22. L. Hang, U. Subramaniam, BAYRAK, Gökay, H. Moayedi, D. Ghaderi and M. R. Minaz, ""Influence of a Proposed Switching Method on Reliability and Total Harmonic Distortion of the Quasi Z–Source Inverters," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 33088-33100, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2973797."
  23. Mustafa Özden, Bahtiyar Bayram, “Adjustable Neural Stimulator System with Android Application”, 9th International Conference on Advanced Technologies (ICAT’20), Istanbul, Turkey, pp:5-8, 10-12 August 2020.
  24. Qun Qi, Davood Ghaderi, Josep M. Guerrero, Sliding mode controller-based switched-capacitor-based high DC gain and low voltage stress DC-DC boost converter for photovoltaic applications, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 125, 2021, 106496, ISSN 0142-0615,
  25. S. Li, U. Subramaniam, G. Yang, D. Ghaderi and N. Rajabiyoun, "Investigation of the Thermal Loading and Random Vibration Influences on Fatigue Life of the Solder Joints for a Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field-Effect Transistor in a DC-DC Power Boost Converter," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 64011-64019, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2985320.
  26. Tabakcioglu, Mehmet Barış. "Işın tabanlı modellerle en uygun radyo istasyon yeri kestirimi." Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 22.2 (2020): 394-402.
  27. Tabakcioglu, Mehmet Barış. Optimum Baz İstasyonu Yerinin Sinyal İşlemeTeknikleriyle Tespit Edilmesi, SIU 2020
  28. Tabakcioglu, Mehmet Baris. "Extensive Comparison Results of Coverage Map of Optimum Base Station Location of Digital Terrain with UTD Based Model." Progress In Electromagnetics Research 97 (2020): 69-76.
  29. Uslu, Fatmatülzehra, Cher Bass, and Anil A. Bharath. ""PERI-Net: a parameter efficient residual inception network for medical image segmentation."" Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering  & Computer Sciences 28.4 (2020): 2261-2277.
  30. Uslu, Fatmatülzehra, Marta Varela, and Anil A. Bharath. ""A Semi-Automatic Method To Segment The Left Atrium in MR Volumes With Varying Slice Numbers."" 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE, 2020."
  31. Yasa, Yusuf*; CEBECİ, Emre, "" An Unscented Kalman Filter Design on Rotating Reference Frame For Three Phase Induction Machines"" 6th International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversation System (EPECS 2020), IEEE, 2020
  32. Yasa, Yusuf*; Garip, Selman, ""Design of Outer Runner-Type Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor for Lightweight E-Vehicles"" 6th International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversation System (EPECS 2020), IEEE 2020
  33. YILMAZ, Alper, and BAYRAK, Gökay. "WT-based IDM for DFIG-typed WT Systems." 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). IEEE, 2020.
  34. YILMAZ, Alper, and BAYRAK,Gökay. "An Improved CWT-Based Islanding Detection Method for a Developed Microgrid in Real-time." Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 6 (2020): 10-17.


  1. Yılmaz Alper, Bayrak Gökay, A real-time UWT-based intelligent fault detection method for PV-based microgrids. Electric Power Systems Research, 2019;177:105984.
  2. Ghaderı Davood , Bayrak Gökay,      Performance Assessment of a High-Powered Boost Converter for Photovoltaic Residential Implementations. Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 2019;25(6): 40-47.
  3. Bayrak Gökay, Ghaderi Davood,       An improved step‐up converter with a developed real‐time fuzzy‐based MPPT controller for PV‐based residential applications. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 2019; 29(12): e12140.
  4. Ghaderı Davood , Bayrak Gökay,      A Novel Mathematical Analysis for Electrical Specifications of Boost Converter-Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette
  5. Bayrak Gökay, Yılmaz Alper,              Assesment of Power Quality Disturbances For Grid Integration of PV Power Plants. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 2019; 23(1): 35-42.
  6. Ghaderı Davood , Bayrak Gökay       A Novel Step-Up Power Converter Configuration for Solar Energy Application. Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 2019;25(3):50-55.
  7. Murat Gezer, Sepideh Nahavandi Gargari, Umit Guz, Hakan Gürkan, "Compression of the Biomedical Images using Quadtree based Partitioned Universally Classifed Energy and Pattern Blocks”, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Elsevier, (SCI Expanded), Vol. 13, Issue 6, September 2019, pp. 1123-1130, Doi:10.1007/s11760-019-01454-z.
  8. Ayça Hanilçi, Hakan Gürkan "ECG Biometric Identification Method based on Parallel 2-D Convolutional Neural Networks”, Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering (JISE), Vol.3, Issue 1, pp. 11-22, 2019.
  9. Eray Arik, Mehmet Barış Tabakcıoğlu Comparison of Full Coverage Maps of UTD Model and FEKO Software, International Journal of Computer Science and Information
  10. Tabakcıoğlu Mehmet Barış Efficient Deployment of Energy Antenna for Sensor Nodes with RF Charging, Erzincan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
  11. Turgut Ozturk         Classification of measured unsafe liquids using microwave spectroscopy system by multivariate data analysis techniques, Journal of Hazardous Materials
  12. Turgut Ozturk         Demonstration of Container Effects on Recognition Process of Liquids Using a Ring-Resonator Measurement Method, Scientific Reports
  13. Turgut Ozturk         Characterization of Liquids Using Electrical Properties in Microwave and Millimeter Wave Frequency Bands, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation
  14. Turgut Ozturk, Effects of Electrical Properties on Determining Materials for Power Generation Enhancement in TEG Modules, Journal of Electronic Materials
  15. Turgut Ozturk,        THz applications of multimode laser diodes: a review, Turkish Journal of Physics
  16. Turgut Ozturk         A New Approximation to Classify the Liquids Measured in Microwave Frequency Range, Sakarya University Journal of Science
  17. Turgut Ozturk         Design of a New Parallel-Plate Capacitor to Increase the Capacity Value, Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science
  18. Bostan, Salih Mehmed         An HF Software‐Defined Radar to Study the Ionosphere, Radio Science, 2019
  19. Bayrak, Gökay,       A Consistent Power Management System Design for Solar and Wind Energy-Based Residential Applications. In 2019 1st Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM) (pp. 358-363). IEEE.
  20. Bayrak Gökay, Ghaderi Davood        "Performance Assessment of a High Gain Single Switched Boost Converter for PV-based Residential Applications, The 23th International Conference ELECTRONICS 2019.
  21. Bayrak Gökay, Alper Yılmaz               CHIRP-Z DÖNÜŞÜMÜ KULLANILARAK AG ŞEBEKESİNEBAĞLI BİR İNVERTERİN SPEKTRUM ANALİZİNİNGERÇEKLEŞTİRİLMESİ, 7th International Symposium on Academic Studies in Science, 2019
  22. Bayrak Gökay, Alper Yılmaz               KONUTSAL UYGULAMALAR İÇİN ÇİFT BESLEMELİASENKRON GENERATÖRE SAHİP RÜZGAR TÜRBİNİNİNGERÇEK ZAMANLI OLARAK TASARIMI, 7th International Symposium on Academic Studies in Science, 2019
  23. Bayrak Gökay, Ghaderi Davood        A novel step-up power converter configuration for solar energy application, The 23rd International Conference Electronics2019.
  24. Alper Yılmaz, Bayrak Gökay               Real-Time Disturbance Detection Using STFT Method in Microgrids, 7. ULUSLARARASI MÜHENDİSLİK VE BİLİM ALANINDA YENİLİKÇİ TEKNOLOJİLER SEMPOZYUMU, 2019
  25. Alper Yılmaz, Bayrak Gökay               Assessment of Wavelet Types in DWT-based Power Quality Disturbance Detection Method, 7. ULUSLARARASI MÜHENDİSLİK VE BİLİM ALANINDA YENİLİKÇİ TEKNOLOJİLER SEMPOZYUMU, 2019
  26. Büker, Aykut & Hanilçi, Cemal           "Double Compressed AMR Audio Detection Using Long-Term Features and Deep Neural Networks  11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING
  27. Hanilçi Cemal         "Features and Regression Techniques for Crowd Density Estimation: A Comparison 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING
  28. Tabakcıoğlu, Mehmet Barış                Rasgele Dağıtılmış Binalar İçeren Bir Senaryo İçin En Uygun Baz İstasyon Konumunu Tespiti, Akademik Bilişim,
  29. Tabakcıoğlu, Mehmet Barış                Determination of Optimum Base Station Location by Using S-UTD Model, The 5th EMC Turkiye Conference, 2019
  30. Tabakcıoğlu, Mehmet Barış                Coverage of Energy Antenna Radiating in Different Frequencies for Randomly Distributed Sensor Nodes, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2019
  31. Tabakcıoğlu, Mehmet Barış                S-UTD Model in Determination of Optimum Base Station Location, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2019
  32. Tabakcıoğlu, Mehmet Barış                A Tool: Finding Optimum Base Station Location with S-UTD Model, 41th PhotonIcs Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2019
  33. Tabakcıoğlu, Mehmet Barış                A Tool: Coverage Mapping with Direct and Reflected Rays fromLossy and Lossless Surfaces, 41th PhotonIcs Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2019
  34. Öztürk, Turgut        MEYVE SULARINDAKİ ŞEKERLERİN BOTANİK ORİJİNİNİN TERAHERTZ SPEKTROSKOPİSİ İLE HIZLI TESPİTİ, Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2019
  35. Öztürk, Turgut        Influence of Rotor Slot Structure at Starting Torque and Efficiency on Urban Use EV Motor, 5th International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET), 2019
  36. Bostan, Salih Mehmed         The Discovery of Novel Ionospheric Phenomena usingIonospheric High Frequency Software-Defined Radar, USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, 2019
  37. Bostan, Salih Mehmed         Unique HF Radar Observation of Mid-latitude Spread-F-like Event, AGU FALL MEETING, 2019
  38. Uslu, Fatmatulzehra             An Inception Inspired Deep Network to Analyse Fundus Images


  1.  Mengüç, E.C. and Acır N., “Kurtosis-based CTRL algorithms for fully connected recurrent neural networks,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29(12), 6123-6131, (2018).
  2. Mengüç, E.C. and Acır N., “An augmented complex-valued least-mean Kurtosis algorithm for the filtering of noncircular signals,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66(2), 438-448, (2018).
  3. Balım, A., ve Acır, N., “EEG Ölçümü İçin Özelleştirilmiş ADS1299 Tümdevresinin Performansının İncelenmesi,” ELECO 2018, Bursa, 2018.
  4. Balım, A., ve Acır, N., “8-Kanal taşınabilir EEG cihaz tasarımı,” Tıp Teknolojileri Kongresi, Gazi Magosa, KKTC, 2018.
  5. Kösten, M.M., Barut, M., and Acır, N., “IPSO algoritması ile derin sinir ağı eğitimi,” IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, SIU’18, Çeşme, İzmir, 2018.
  6. Kocakulak, M., and Acır, N., “Gabor filtresi kullanarak parmak damarı görüntülerinin iyileştirilmesi,” IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, SIU’18, Çeşme, İzmir, 2018.
  7. Mengüç, E.C. ve Acır N., “EEG sinyallerinden EOG gürültülerini yok etmek için lineer ve geniş lineer komkleks değerli en küçük ortalama kare algoritmaları tabanlı bir adaptif gürültü yok etme sistemi,” Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Part C: Tasarım Teknoloji, 6(5), 205-219, (2018).
  8. Mengüç, E. C., and Acır, N., “Frequency estimation methods for smart grid systems ,” Smart Grids and Their Communication Systems, Springer Verlag,171-195, 2018.
  9. Hasan Eroğlu, Musa Aydın, “ Solving power transmission line routing problem using improved genetic and artificial bee colony algorithms “, Electrical Engineering, pp. 1-14, 2018.
  10. Bayrak, G. Wavelet transform-based fault detection method for hydrogen energy-based distributed generators. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2018;43(44):20293-20308.
  11. Bayrak, G., Yilmaz A. Implementation of An Intelligent Voltage Interruption Detection Method in Microgrids. 6th Eur. Conf. Ren. Energy Sys. 25-27 June 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.
  12. Yilmaz A., Bayrak G. Modeling of Voltage Sag Disturbances in Distributed Generation Systems. International Conference on Advanced Technologies Computer Engineering and Science-ICATCES, 11-13 Mayıs 2018.
  13. Çalışır, A, Yılmaz, A., Bayrak, G. Selecting Optimal Grid Integration Point of DFIG Wind Turbines: A Case Study. 6th Eur. Conf. Ren. Energy Sys. 25-27 June 2018, Istanbul, Turkey
  14. Yilmaz A., Bayrak G. Wavelet transform-based fault detection methods for PV-based distributed generators. Solar Conference and Exhibition SolarTR, İstanbul,2018.
  15. Yilmaz A., Bayrak G. Detection of Power Quality Disturbances in PV Generators Using Hilbert Transform Method. Solar Conference and Exhibition SolarTR, İstanbul,2018.
  16. Yilmaz A., Bayrak G. Steady-State Analysis of DFIG-typed WTs for Distributed Generation. International Conference on Energy Research (ENRES-2018) Alanya / Turkey.
  17. Yilmaz A.,  Bayrak G.   Distributed Grid Integratıon of PV Generators And Islandıng Protectıon In Turkey. International Conference on Energy Research (ENRES-2018) Alanya / Turkey.
  18. Yilmaz A., Bayrak G. Investigation Short Circuit Fault Effects of the DFIG-typed WTs on Distributed Generation System. International Conference on Energy Research (ENRES-2018) Alanya / Turkey.
  19. Erdoğan, M.E. and Gelen, A., "Inspection of grid code compliance of wind turbines", International GAP Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Congress, 2018.
  20. Acar, M., Gelen, A. and Erdoğan, M.E., "Alkaline fuel cells and power plant  applications", International GAP Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Congress, 2018.
  21. Tüfekçioğlu, E. ve Gelen, A., "Lityum polimer piller için uzaktan erişilebilen şarj devresi", 2nd Engineers of Future International Student Symposium (EFIS 2018), 2018.
  22. Onur, S. B. ve Gelen, A., "Elektronik sistemlerdeki DC parametrelerin RF ile izlenmesi", 2nd Engineers of Future International Student Symposium (EFIS 2018), 2018
  23. Ordueri, E. and Gelen, A., "Piezoelektrik Nanojeneratör ile Enerji Üretimi ve Depolanmasının Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi", IV. INES International Academic Research Congress (INES - 2018), Antalya, 2018.
  24. Kaya, S., Gelen, A. and Bıçak, A., "Yeni Elektrik Enerjisi Üretim Yöntemlerine Genel Bir Bakış", IV. INES International Academic Research Congress (INES - 2018), Antalya, 2018.
  25. Ordueri, E. and Gelen, A., "Elektrik güç üretim birimlerinin şebekeye entegrasyonunda sanal güç santralleri ve mevcut uygulamaları", International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (EurasianSciEnTech 2018), Ankara, 2018.
  26. D. GHADERI, M. ÇELEBİ, M. TÖREN, and M. R. MİNAZ, “Application for efficiency optimization of PI Controlled interleaved quadratic DC DC power boost converters by considering the load sharing problem,” Journal of Engineering Technology, vol. 6, pp. 1–15, Mar. 2018.
  27. D. GHADERI, P. MARYAM, V. SAMAVATIAN, M. OMID, and M. SAMAVATIAN, “Combination of thermal cycling and vibration loading effects on fatigue life of solder joints in a power module,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, pp. 1–11, Jun. 2018.
  28. D. GHADERI, M. ÇELEBİ, M. R. MİNAZ, and M. TÖREN, “Efficiency Improvement for a DC DC Quadratic Power Boost Converter by Applying a Switch Turn off Lossless Snubber Structure Based on Zero Voltage Switching ZVS ,” Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 15–22, Jun. 2018.
  29. S. VAHID, M. ARMIN, M. MAFI, M. LAKZAEI, and D. GHADERI, “Influence of Directional Random Vibration on the Fatigue Life of Solder Joints in a Power Module,” IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, no. 99, pp. 0–0, Jun. 2018.
  30. D. GHADERI, M. ÇELEBİ, M. R. MİNAZ, and M. TÖREN, “Efficiency Improvement for a DC DC Quadratic Power Boost Converter by Applying a Switch Turn off Lossless Snubber Structure Based on Zero Voltage Switching,” presented at the Electronics 2018, Palanga, 2018.
  31. Guven, G., Gürkan, H., and Guz, U., “Biometric Identification Using Fingertip Electrocardiogram Signals”, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 12, Issue 5, July 2018, pp. 933-940, Doi: 10.1007/s11760-018-1238-4.
  32. Dalva, D., Guz, U., and Gürkan, H., “Effective Semi-Supervised Learning Strategies for Automatic Sentence Segmentation”, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol 105 (2018), April 2018, pp.76-86, Doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2017.10.010.
  33. Dalva D., Guz U., Gürkan H.,  "Extension of Conventional Co-Training Learning Strategies to Three-View and Committee-Based Learning Strategies for Effective Automatic Sentence Segmentation", 7th IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT 2018), pp. 750-755, Athens, Greece, December 18-21, 2018.
  34. Şeker, C., Ozturk, T., Güneşer, M.T., "A Single Band Antenna Design for Future Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication at 38 GHz", European Journal of Engineering and Formal Sciences, DOI: 10.26417/ejef.v3i1.p35-39
  35. AYDIN, A.E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., “En Uygun Baz İstasyon Konumunu Bulmaya Yönelik Bir Çalışma”, Akademik Bilişim, TR, 01-03 Şubat 2018.
  36. Ulker, B., Tabakcioglu, M.B., “Neurosky Biyosensör Kullanarak Beyin Dalgaları, Dikkat ve Meditasyon Değerlerinin Ölçülmesi ve Değerlendirilmesi”, Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi, vol. 7, no:1, pp. 25-33.
  37. Aydin, A.E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., UTD Modeli ile En Uygun Baz İstasyonu Yeri Belirleme , SİU 2018, 1-4, 02-05 Mayıs.
  38. Arik, E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Çift Kırınım İçeren Senaryolar için Kapsama Alanı Tahmini, SİU 2018, 1-4, 02-05 Mayıs.
  39. Aydin, A.E., Arik, E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Coverage Mapping with UTD Model, International Journal of Communications, vol. 3, pp.51-55.
  40. Arik, E., Aydin, A.E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Base Station Location Optimization with UTD and GO Models, International Journal of Communications vol. 3, pp.39-42.
  41. Arik, E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Full Coverage Prediction with UTD and GO model, JISE, vol.2, no.1, pp.34-39.
  42. Tabakcioglu, M.B., Coverage Prediction for Triple Diffraction Scenarios, ACES Journal, vol. 33, no. 11, 2018.
  43. Yasa Y., Sozer Y., Garip M. (2018), “Loss analysis of high speed switched reluctance machine with integrated simulation methods”,  International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 479-497, 2018 (SCI-E).
  44. Yasa Y., Sozer Y., Garip M. (2018), “High-speed switched reluctance machine: natural frequency calculation and acoustic noise prediction”,  TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTER SCIENCES , (2018) 26: 999 – 1010, 2018, DOI 10.3906/elk-1706-209 (SCI-E).
  45. Yasa Y., Sozer Y., Garip M. (2018), “High-power density switched reluctance machine development for high-speed spindle applications”,  TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTER SCIENCES , 26: 1572 – 1586 ,2018, DOI  10.3906/elk-1706-288 (SCI-E).
  46. Elamin M., Yasa Y., Gundogmus O., Sozer Y., Kutz J., Tylenda J., Wright R.L., “ Acoustic noise mitigation of switched reluctance machines with windows in both stator and rotor poles, ” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 4-8 March 2018, pp. 1205 – 1210, San Antonio, TX, USA.
  47. Mese E, Yasa Y.,  Ertugrul B.T., Sincar E. (2018), “Unbalanced Distributed and Balanced Concentrated Winding Comparison in Servo Motor Applications”,  ELSEVIER  Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 156, pp. 64-74, 2018, DOI 10.1016/j.epsr.2017.11.013, (SCI-E).
  48. Aydemir, G., Deep Learning Based Spectrum Compression Algorithm for Rotating Machinery Condition Monitoring, Volume 1: Development and Characterization of Multifunctional Materials Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Adaptive Systems Integrated System Design and Implementation, 2018



  1. Mengüç, E.C. and Acır, N., “Prediction of complex-valued signals by using complex-valued LMK algorithm,” IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU-2017), Mayıs 2017
  2. Mengüç, E.C. and Acır, N., “A generalized Lyapunov stability theory-based adaptive FIR filter algorithm with variable step sizes” Signal, Image and Video Processing,1-9, 2017.
  3. Mengüç, E.C. and Acır, N., “An augmented complex-valued Lyapunov stability theory based adaptive filter algorithm”, Signal Processing, 10-21, 2017.
  4. Çınar, S., and Acır, N., “A novel system for automatic removal of ocular artefacts in EEG by using outlier detection methods and independent component analysis” Expert Systems with Applications, 36-44, 2017.
  5. S Çinar, EC Mengüç, N Acir, “Automatic removal of ocular artefacts in EEG signal by using independent component analysis and Artificial Neural Network” Medical Technologies National Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2017, 1-4
  6. EC Mengüç, N Acir, “An adaptive noise canceller based on QLMS algorithm for removing EOG artifacts in EEG recordings” Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium (IDAP), 2017
  7. EC Mengüç, N Acir, “An augmented complex-valued least-mean kurtosis algorithm for the filtering of noncircular signals, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (2), 438-448
  8. Ural, Z., Bayrak, G., “A Smart Energy Management System Design For Residential Power Plants”, Journal of Polytechnic, vol:20, no:3, 2017.
  9. Bayrak, G. “Distributed Grid Integration of PV Generators and Islanding Protection in Turkey”, 7th International 100% Renewable Energy Conference, pp: 164-170, 18-20 Mayıs 2017.
  10. Bayrak, G. “Mikro Şebekelerde İnvertere Gömülü Ada Mod Çalışma Tespit Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi”, 2. Uluslararası Mühendislik, Mimarlık ve Tasarım Kongresi, 12-13 Mayıs 2017.
  11. Bayrak, G., Yilmaz, A., “Design and Performance Assessment of A Grid-Connected PV System for Residential Power Generation”, 7th International 100% Renewable Energy Conference, pp: 62-67,18-20 Mayıs 2017.
  12. Bayrak, G., Yilmaz, A., “Şebeke Bağlantılı Fotovoltaik Sistemlerin AG Şebekesi Üzerinden Şebekeye Bağlanması ve Çevresel Faktörler”, 2. Uluslararası Mühendislik, Mimarlık ve Tasarım Kongresi, 12-13 Mayıs 2017.
  13. Yilmaz A., Bayrak G., “Şebeke Bağlantılı Fotovoltaik Sistemlerde Güç Kalitesi Problemleri”, II. International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET) Conference, 21-23 September 2017, Bayburt, TURKEY
  14.  Yilmaz A., Bayrak G., “Harmonic Effects in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems”, II. International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET) Conference, 21-23 September 2017, Bayburt, TURKEY
  15. Yilmaz A., Bayrak G., “Detection and Classification of Voltage Swing in Grid Connected PV Systems”, International Advanced Researches & Engineering Congress (IAREC), 16-18 November 2017, Osmaniye, TURKEY.
  16. D. GHADERI and M. ÇELEBİ, “Implementation of PI Controlled Cascaded Boost Power Converters in Parallel Connection with High Efficiency,” Journal of Electrical Systems, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 307–321, Jun. 2017.
  17. D. GHADERI and M. ÇELEBİ, “Implementation of Load Sharing with Fast Voltage Regulation in Parallel Connected Cascaded Power Boost Converters Based on Droop Coefficients Refreshing Method,” presented at the IEEE 2017 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, 2017.
  18. M. TÖREN, M. ÇELEBİ, E. HAYDARASLAN, and D. GHADERI, “Analysis of the heat effect of different cooling type on transformers,” presented at the International conference of advanced engineering technologies, 2017.
  19. Z. Wu, J. Yamagishi, T. Kinnunen, C. Hanilçi, M.Sahidullah, A. Sizov, N. Evans, M. Todisco, H. Delgado, "ASVspoof: the Automatic Speaker Verification Spoofing and Countermeasures Challenge, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 588-604, June 2017
  20. C. Hanilçi, "Effect of Language Mismatch on Turkish Speaker Verification", Uludağ University, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 189-196, 2017
  21. H. Çeliktaş, C. Hanilçi, "Impact of Background Language on Turkish Text-Dependent Speaker Verification", 5th International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sciences (ICAT-2017), May 2017.
  22. C. Hanilçi, "Doğrusal öngörü hatası ile konuşmacı tanıma sistemlerine karşı saldırı tespiti", IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU-2017), Mayıs 2017
  23. H. Çeliktaş, C. Hanilçi, "Türkçe metne bağımlı konuşmacı tanıma üzerine bir çalışma", IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU-2017), Mayıs 2017
  24. Ozturk, T., Hudlicka, M., Uluer, İ., "Development of Measurement and Extraction Technique of Complex Permittivity Using Transmission Parameter S21 for Millimeter Wave Frequencies", Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Doi: 10.1007/s10762-017-0421-y
  25. Ozturk, T., Morikawa, O., Ünal, İ., Uluer, İ., "Comparison of Free Space Measurement Using a Vector Network Analyzer and Low-Cost-Type THz-TDS Measurement Methods Between 75 and 325 GHz", Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Doi: 10.1007/s10762-017-0410-1
  26. Ozturk, T., Elhawil, A., İ., Uluer, İ., Güneşer, M.T., "Development of extraction techniques for dielectric constant from free-space measured S-parameters between 50 and 170 GHz", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Doi: 10.1007/s10854-017-6953-z
  27. Tabakcioglu, M.B., “A Top-down Approach to S-UTD-CH Model” ACES Journal, vol. 32, no.7, pp: 586-591.
  28. Arik, E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., “Multi-core Computing in Coverage Prediction”, ICADET, 21-23 September, Bayburt, TURKEY.
  29. Ulker, B., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Çizmeci, H., Ayberkin, D., “Measuring and Evaluation of Attention and Meditation Level by Using Neurosky Biosensor”, ICADET, 21-23 September, Bayburt, TURKEY.
  30. Arik, E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama Kullanarak Kapsama Alanı Kestirimi, BAŞARIM 2017, 14-15 Eylül, İstanbul, TURKEY.
  31. Ulker, B., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Çizmeci, H., Ayberkin, D., “Relations of Attention and Meditation Level with Learning in Engineering Education” ECAI 2017 - International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 29 June -01 July, 2017, Targoviste, ROMANIA.
  32. Arik, E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., “Reducing EMI by Multiple Slits Shielding” ECAI 2017 - International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 29 June -01 July, 2017, Targoviste, ROMANIA.
  33. Arik, E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., “EKDZ Modelinin Kapsama Alanı Haritalanmasında Kullanılması ve FEKO Yazılımıyla Karşılaştırılması”, IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU-2017), Mayıs 2017
  34. Koşunalp S., Tabakcioglu, M.B., “MAC Protocols for RF Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2017
  35. Arik, E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., “Detailed Analysis of Amplitude and Slope Diffraction Coefficients for knife-edge structure in S-UTD-CH Model”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 7-11, 2017.
  36. Arik, E., Tabakcioglu, M.B., “Uniform Kırınım Teorisi ve Geometrik Optik Modeliyle Kapsama Alanı Haritalanması”, Akademik Bilişim, TR, 8-10 Şubat 2017.
  37. Yasa Y., Elamin M., Sozer Y., Kutz J., Tylenda J., Wright RL.,  “Acoustic noise mitigation for high pole count switched reluctance machines through skewing method with multiphysics FEA simulations,” Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2017 IEEE, 738-744, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
  38. Elamin M., Yasa Y.,  Elrayyah A., Sozer Y., “Performance Improvement of the Delta-connected SRM Driven by a Standard Three Phase Inverter,” 2017 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC),  21-24 May 2017, Miami, FL, USA.
  39. Elamin M., Yasa, Y., Sozer Y., Kutz J., Tylenda J., Wright RL., “Effects of Windows in Stator and Rotor Poles of Switched Reluctance Motors in Reducing Noise and Vibration,” 2017 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC),  21-24 May 2017, Miami, FL, USA. 
  40. Yasa Y, Tekgun D., Sozer Y, Kutz J., Tylenda J., “Effect of distributed airgap in the stator for acoustic noise reduction in switched reluctance motors,”  2017 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 26-30 March 2017, Tampa, FL, USA, USA



  1. Mengüç, E.C. and Acır, N., "Real Time Implementation of LST-based Adaptive Filter on FPGA", IEICE Trans. Electronics, Vol. E99-C, 2016.
  2. Mengüç, E.C. and Acır, N., “Kompleks-değerli En Küçük Ortalama Kurtosis Adaptif Filtre Algoritması” IEEE 24. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU 2016),Zonguldak, TR, 16-19 Mayıs 2016.
  3. Ridha Mohammed, Musa Aydin, “ Load flow analysis in island mode operation using ETAP software ”, Journal of Selcuk University Natural and Applied Science, Vol 5, No 2, 2016.
  4. Nazmiye Kopacak, Musa Aydın, “ Sample Criteria for Integration of Solar Plant Systems to Electrical Distribution”, IEEE Xplore Digital Library,  pp. 394-397, 01 February 2016.
  5. Hasan Eroğlu, Musa Aydın,” Route Optimization of Electric Transmission Lines with ABC Algorithm” 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2016) , 2016.
  6. Halil Çimen, Musa Aydın, “Impact ofDistributed Generation on Short-circuit and Estimation of Sequence Impedanceswith GA”,  International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering Technologies, Shanghai, 2016.
  7. Ridha Mohammed, Musa Aydin “Short Cırcuıt Analysıs In Island Mode Usıng Etap”,  International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sciences (ICAT’16), 01-03 Sep., Konya, 2016.
  8. Bayrak, G. "Performance Assessment of Active and Passive Islanding Detection Methods for PV-Based Microgrids". Presented at the ECRES – 4th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, İstanbul, 2016.
  9. Ural Bayrak, Z., Bayrak, G. "A Smart Energy Management System Design for Residential Power Plants". Presented at the ECRES – 4th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, İstanbul, 2016.
  10. Bayrak, G., Kabalcı, E., “Implementation of a new remote islanding detection method for wind–solar hybrid power plants”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 58, 1-15, 2016.
  11. Ural, Z., Bayrak, G., Özdemır, M.T., Gencoglu, M.T., Cebeci, M., “A low-cost power management system design for residential hydrogen & solar energy based power plants”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Doi:10.1016/J.İjhydene.2016.01.093, 2016.
  12. Celik, V., Ozdemir, M.T., Bayrak, G., “The effects on stability region of the fractional-order PI controller for one-area time-delayed load-frequency control systems”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Doi: 10.1177/0142331216642839, 2016.
  13. Ozdemir, M.T., Bayrak, G., Gencoglu, M.T., Cebeci, M.,“Development of a renewable energy based dc excitation system in a micro hydro power plant”, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 10(1), 45-54, 2016.
  14. Bayrak, G., “Dağıtık güç üretim tesislerinin şebeke ile entegrasyonu için uygun ada mod çalışma tespit yönteminin seçimi”, s:127-131, EEB 2016 Elektrik-Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Sempozyumu, 11-13 Mayıs 2016, Tokat, Türkiye.
  15. C. Hanilçi, T. Kinnunen, M. Sahidullah, A. Sizov,“Spoofing Detection Goes Noisy: An Analysis of Synthetic Speech Detection in the Presence of Additive Noise”, Speech Communication, 85: 83---97, December 2016
  16. Ozturk, T., Uluer, İ., Ünal, İ.,  "Materials classification by partial least squares using S parameters", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Doi: 10.1007/s10854-016-5404-6
  17. Ozturk, T., Elhawil, A., Düğenci, M., Ünal, İ., Uluer, İ., "Extracting the dielectric constant of materials using ABC based ANNs and NRW algorithms", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Doi: 10.1080/09205071.2016.1215266
  18. Ozturk, T., Uluer, İ., Ünal, İ.,  "Reduction of S parameter errors using singular spectrum analysis", Review of Scientific Instruments, Doi: 10.1063/1.4958664
  19. Tabakcioglu, M.B., Çizmeci, H., Ayberkin, D., “Neurosky EEG Biosensor Using in Education”, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Electronics and Computers, vol. 4, no: 4, pp. 76-78, 2016.
  20. Koşunalp S., Tabakcioglu, M.B., Zorlu, A., “MAC Protocols for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks with RF Energy Transfer ”, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies (ICAT 2016), Konya, TR, 01-03 September 2016.
  21. Çizmeci, H., Ayberkin, D., Tabakcioglu, M.B., “ Neurosky EEG Biosensor Using in Education”, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies (ICAT 2016), Konya, TR, 01-03 September 2016.
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  1. Mengüç, E.C. and Acır, N., "Kanal Denkleştirme Problemine Yeni Bir Yaklaşım", IEEE 23. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, SIU'15, 2015.
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  3. Mengüç, E.C. and Acır, N., “A novel adaptive filter design using Lyapunov stability theory,” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 23, 719-728, (2015).
  4. Mengü&cc