Message from the Department Head

Dear students

Welcome to Bursa Technical University Department of Mechanical Engineering!

Our department has been conducting research activities since 2010 with its strong academic staff and laboratory facilities. Our mechanical engineering department consists of physics and mathematics based courses. In our undergraduate education consisting of engineering core courses and elective courses, students can focus on the fields they want. Students can choose elective courses in the fields of energy, manufacturing and construction, machine theory and dynamics, mechanics, automotive and thermodynamics according to the fields they want to specialize in. The students of our department apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned in the first semester of their senior year in industrial organizations with the Vocational Training Program called İMEP. In this way, students reinforce what they have learned by practicing their theoretical education in the field.

I wish all our students success in the academic year.

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin LEKESİZ

Head of Department