Prof. Dr. Haydar ÖZKAN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 411
Deep Learning and Machine Learning
Image Processing
Signal Processing
Biomedical Technologies and Telemedicine

808 10 33
Computer Engineering
808 10 33
Department of Computer Engineering
(Head of Department)
808 10 33
Continuing Education Application and Research Center
(Department Manager)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İzzet Fatih ŞENTÜRK

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 409
Internet of Things
Artificial Intelligence
Cloud Computing
Game Programming

300 35 53
Department of Computer Engineering
(Assistant Head of Department)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet KAŞİF

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 409
Artificial Intelligence
Internet of Things
Cyber Security
Time Series

300 37 58
Department of Computer Engineering
(Assistant Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Turgay Tugay BİLGİN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 413
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data Processing
Data Mining
Machine Learning

300 35 54
Department of Computer Engineering
( )
300 35 54
Intelligent Systems Engineering

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erdem YAVUZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 407
Machine Learning
Chaotic Encryption
Speech Recognition
Biomedical Signal Processing

300 38 99
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ergün GÜMÜŞ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 405
Machine Learning
Pattern Recognition
Image Processing

300 37 67
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kubilay DEMİR

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 211
Image Processing
Artificial Intelligence
Reinforcement Learning

300 37 25
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Volkan ALTUNTAŞ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 403
Artificial intelligence
Industry 4.0
Financial Technologies

300 36 22
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hayri Volkan AGUN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 404
Information Extraction
Natural Language Processing
Machine Learning
Data Analytics

300 37 04
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Özgür CİNGİZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 404
NLP and Web Mining
Optimization Algorithms
Machine Learning in Software Engineering

300 38 43
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Seçkin YILMAZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 405
Artificial intelligence
Pattern Recognition and Image processing
Natural Language Processing
Forensic Science-Criminalistic

808 10 23
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Ahmet METİN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 415
Deep Learning and İmage Processing
Natural Language Processing
Industrial Control and Automation
Time Series and Predictive Maintenance

300 37 53
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Esma İBİŞ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 415
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Image Processing
Computer Vision

300 38 95
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

808 12 19
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Hasibe CANDAN KADEM

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 415
Machine Learning
Cyber Security
Data Analysis

300 37 51
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Mehmet AKDİŞ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 401
Deep Learning
Data Mining
Machine Learning
Computer Vision

300 39 36
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Mehmet Cüneyt ÖZBALCI

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok
Data Mining
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning

808 10 15
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Muhammed Ömer Faruk SELVİ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 415
Procedural Generation
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Game Programming

300 37 07
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Sena DİKİCİ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 415
Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Data Mining
Artificial Intelligence

300 37 03
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Şeyma DOĞRU

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 401
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Object Oriented Programming

300 39 45
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Talha KORUK

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 401
Real-time Embedded Software
Internet of Things (IoT)
Deep Learning
Data Mining

808 10 56
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Yusuf KAYIPMAZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 415
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning
Image Processing
Machine Learning

300 37 54
Department of Computer Engineering
( )

Res. Asst. Zeynep BARUT

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 415
Mobile Programming
Data Mining
Deep Learning
Machine Learning

300 34 81
Department of Computer Engineering
( )