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3Türemiş, M., Keskin, İ. Ç., Katı, M. İ., Çetin, A., Ay, K., & Kibar, R. (2021). Comprehensive study on structural, thermal, morphological and luminescence (RL, PL, TL) properties of CaLa2(WO4)4: Tb3+, Dy3+ phosphors synthesized via sol-gel method. Ceramics International. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.05.297
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7M. Çanlı, İ.Ç. Keskin, M. Türemiş, K. Sirin, M.İ. Katı, Characterization and determination of thermal and radioluminescence properties of low-density polyethylene (LDPE)-(nanozeolite + Y2O3) composite, Polym. Polym. Compos. 28 (2020) 112–118. doi:10.1177/0967391119866031.
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1I.Ç. Keskin, S. Gültekin, M._I. Katı, M. Türemis¸, K. Ay, Y. Arslanlar, A. Çetin, R. Kibar, Structural, optical, luminescence properties and energy transfer
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2I.Ç. Keskin, M. Türemis¸ ,M.I. Katı, R. Kibar, A. Çetin (2019). Effects of CdS quantum dot in polymer nanocomposites: in terms of luminescence, optic, and thermal results, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 156, 137-143.
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2Türemiş, M., Keskin, İ.Ç., Katı, M.İ., Kibar, R., Şirin, K., Çanlı, M., Çorumlu, V., Çetin, A., 2018. Optimizing optical and structural properties of nanocomposites by ZnO and BP-3. Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A. 92, 1762–1771.
3I.Ç. Keskin, M._I. Katı, M. Türemis¸, A. Çetin, Y. Tuncer Arslanlar, R. Kibar, Determination of thermoluminescence kinetic parameters of white and blue chalcedony exposed to X-ray irradiation, Radiat. Phys. Chem. (2018),