What is Chemical Engineering?


Chemical Engineering is a wide comprehensive and versatile engineering branch that deals with development and application of processes where the chemical structure of materials, energy contents and physical states undergoes change.

MELBOURNE COMMUNIQUÉ: (September 27, 2001):

We, the representatives of twenty organizations representing chemical engineers world-wide, subscribe to the following statement:

Entering the Twenty-First Century, we in the chemical engineering profession renew our commitment to using our skills to strive to improve the quality of life, foster employment, advance economic and social development, and protect the environment through sustainable development.

Chemical engineering uses the principles of science to develop and provide technologies that improve the lives of people everywhere. From chemical engineering come materials: minerals, metals, ceramics, polymers, paper and composites. Food production and processing and water purification rely on chemical engineering. To enhance the health of the world's peoples, chemical engineering makes possible vaccines, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Shelter, clothing, transport and information technology all rely on chemical engineering. We develop and deliver the energy resources on which communities depend.

In meeting society's needs we are committed to designing processes and products that are innovative, energy-efficient and cost-effective, and that make the best use of scarce resources. We are committed to the highest standards of personal and product safety. We seek to eliminate waste and adverse environmental effects in the development, manufacture, use and eventual disposal of the products of society.

In an increasingly global society, we are committed to meeting the collective needs of the world's growing population while working to avoid and eliminate practices that are unsustainable. We recognize the profound concern relating to climate change. We must promote a better understanding of the complex science surrounding climate change, while also striving to develop and implement sound technologies to mitigate its effects.

We commit to developing public understanding of the challenges and choices facing our world and the role chemical engineering can play.We will use our talents, knowledge, and organizational skills for the continued betterment of humanity to protect the public welfare. We will practice our profession according to its high ethical standards. We will promote lifelong professional development and will enthuse the brightest young people so that they enter our profession.We will take this Communiqué to our members, reinforcing their awareness of their obligations to serve society. We also commit to working with industries, governments, universities and other organizations that shape the future of the world.We acknowledge both our professional responsibilities and the need to work with others as we strive to meet the challenges facing the world in the Twenty-First Century.


Chemical Engineering Working Areas

Chemical engineers have a wide range of work areas. Some of these are those;

  • Petrochemical Industry
  • Cement and Refractory industry
  • Industrial Plants
  • Laboratories
  • Metal and Coating Industry
  • Import-export Offices
  • Automotive Industry
  • Food Industry
  • Private and Public Project Offices
  • Ceramics Industry
  • Defense Industry
  • Textile Sector
  • Paint Industry
  • Glass Industry
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Fertilizer Industry
  • Tire and Rubber Industry