Double Major and Minor Programmes

Minor Program

Students who have taken and passed all the courses required to be taken as of the date of application from the undergraduate program they are enrolled in, have an AGPA of at least 2.50 and meet other conditions are allowed to follow a minor program for certification in addition to their undergraduate program. The minor program does not mean a separate undergraduate program. Enrollment in minor programs is limited to quotas to be determined by the relevant administrative boards.


Double Major Program

Students who have taken and passed all the courses required to be taken from the undergraduate program they are enrolled in as of the date of application, who have an AGPA of at least 3.00 and who meet the other conditions are given the opportunity to continue the DMP in addition to their undergraduate programs and receive a second undergraduate diploma. Registration for the DMP is limited to quotas to be determined by the relevant administrative boards. 

Double major programs are listed below:

  • Department of Bioengineering
  • Department of Environmental Engineering
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Business Administration
  • Department of Sociology
  • Department of International Relations
  • Department of International Trade and Logistics
  • Department of Translation and Interpreting